Welcome to ChaseFlex | We offer Best Exchange Rate in Czechia

Risk Management

Risk Management

Foreign Exchange!!

Automate your hedging. Execute spots and forwards in over 40 currencies.

Smarter FX
risk management for your business

Automate your FX transactions with our API.

use our advanced hedging solutions to minimise FX gains and losses and P&L volatility.

FX challenges

  • FX volatility, causing a negative impact on the business
  • Lack of visibility over FX exposure and unreliable forecasting
  • Flawed manual processes to identify and capture FX exposure
  • Inefficient treasury or financial risk management systems
  • Immature or informal hedging practices
  • Inability to analyse exposures and measure hedging results

Dynamic Hedging

A complete and flexible solution that gives you full control over your FX risk and allows you to micro-hedge your foreign currency transactions.

Hedge Accounting

An efficient solution that integrates with Dynamic Hedging to minimise P&L volatility. Solve key hedge accounting challenges around documentation and accounting inputs.

FX Capabilities

Access to over 130 currencies, including exotics. Execute spots and forwards in more than 40 currencies including net forwards with the Brazilian Real, South Korean Won, Indian Rupee and Colombian Peso.


Connect your ERP or TMS to our API and automate all your FX transactions. Based on REST principles, our API is well-documented, scalable, secure and proven.

Make the most of FX Risk Management in your business.

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