Welcome to ChaseFlex | We offer Best Exchange Rate in Czechia

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vip exchange rates

eur 25.00

gbp 29.65

usd 23.80

chf 26.15

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Simply choose the currency that you want to convert and we'll show you the result in Czech Koruna.

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exchange rate list

Rates updated on
February 15, 2025

For the purchase and sale of currencies in the amount of CZK 100,000 and more, we recommend making a telephone reservation at the selected branch.

means Currently Restocking
Currency Buy Sell Min. Amt. Buy (VIP) Sell (VIP)
1 EUR     24.60 25.39 1000 25.00 25.29
1 USD     23.60 24.45 1040 23.80 24.35
1 GBP     29.30 30.45 850 29.65 30.25
1 AUD     14.60 15.59 1640 14.92 15.33
1 DKK     2.40 3.43 7500 2.45 3.42
100 JPY     15.01 16.19 151000 15.21 15.99
1 CAD     16.20 17.19 1450 16.55 16.89
1 NOK     1.80 2.34 11000 1.80 2.33
1 SEK     1.80 2.33 11000 1.80 2.32
1 CHF     25.70 27.19 930 26.15 26.79
100 HUF     6.11 6.45 396000 6.15 6.39
1 PLN     5.90 6.22 4200 5.96 6.20
1 BGN     12.05 13.97 1800 12.07 13.89
1 RON     4.65 5.75 4450 4.75 5.69
1 AED     6.20 6.89 3750 6.25 6.79
1 UAH     0.45 0.55 45550 0.46 0.54
1 NZD     13.25 14.85 1750 13.35 14.69



Do you plan to exchange a larger sum? Don't forget to bring your ID or another personal identification document i.e. passport. For exchanges exceeding 1000 EUR you are legally obliged to prove your identity.

The client can withdraw from the foreign exchange trade contract within 3 hours of its finalisation, in the branch where the trade was transacted. The withdrawal must apply to the entire extent of the contract. If the amount presented by the client exceeds 1000 EUR, the withdrawal applies to the extent to which the sum corresponds to the sum of 1000 EUR paid by the client. The withdrawal period applies only during working hours stated on the final receipt. Full information about client’s rights will always be provided on the final receipt or on website of Czech National Bank.

Money Services

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We provide a complete and flexible solution that gives you full control over your FX risk and allows you to micro-hedge your foreign currency transactions.


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We provide a safe, commission free and easy way to exchange your money when planning or travelling abroad?


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What people are saying about our exchange services

Nat O, UK
Excellent Exchange rate. 0% commission, Excellent customer service, reliable. will definitely use again. highly recommended.
Florent Portier, France
Pas de frais de commission, idéale pour changer ses € en CZK
Lucie Buřilová, Czechia
Nejlepší cena ????super servis
Topič Antonín, Czechia
Nemá chybu, naprostá spokojenost.
Dawid Kurzawa, Poland
Best Exchange
Tomáš Novotný, Czechia
Základní kurz na PLN lepší než směnárny v Auparku a Atriu.
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